Introduction of us
Different standards
Rules of Engagement for Mounted Troops
The Challenge

Standing Orders

Continued...Part 2

President Jefferson Davis sent his representative in the form of a war correspondent and agreement was made to reunite in Galveston in the very near future.The "HangMan" as he is known, set up the chuck wagon and commenced commissary work for the encampment. Chief of Operations for the Military Women of the Regiment, Mrs. Delia Macalexander met with local resistance fighters, Claudia Heidbreder, Mrs. Becky Noone, Jeanne Richards (local seamstress) Mary Puente, and Trica McCulloch. They worked on recruiting for the upcoming campaign and decided to meet again in Galveston to help with recruitment. Local saddle Art Garnet was evolved in local recruitment efforts and was able to pursued several local settlers to join the cause. He will be traveling though the area on a trapping mission with orders issued by the Col. to recruit with in the Indian nation and thorough out the trapping seasons.

Elements of the assembled cavalry took the opportunity to drill in the meadow adjacent Brushy Creek. This allowed for Red Eagle and is Native American representatives to ride with the long knives and get acquainted with the maneuvering abilities of the army. He promised to unite with us in the near future as the campaign to build a legion continues.

Word of Historical note: We use the word "Indian" with permission as a point of historical reference as they are called. In point of fact, these Native Americans are from several Nations and represent the Nation of the Lakota, (called Sioux by the white man) Commanche, Blackfoot and Mohawks. They are real Native Americans and not reenactors as far as their heritage is concern. They can and do reenact historical scenes depicting their ancestors.

The 3rd Texas Cavalry will be part of an Indian war period reenactment on May 23rd and 24th 1998 in Bryan, Texas depicting both the capture and release of Cynthia Ann Parker as in occurred in Texas.

In keeping with the spirit of our Native American friends we have included a few words from Red Eagle who was told by his gradmother in his native tongue Lakota:

"Wakanka Lakota myasina iyotiye.Wakiyelo Oyate nimkte wacinyelo." Translation: "Be an Indian; But it is hard to do-this is what the people are saying."

Part 1