Battle, Performance &
Public Demonstration
Regiment Shall:
Not allow pistols to be fired at a distance of less than 25'
from a person, artillery piece or limber. Carbines must not
be fired at less than 50'. No "wadding" of any kind
will be permitted in a pistol or carbine. Cream of wheat is
preferred as the only packing permissible.
Never engage an opponents (Cavalry, Artillery or Infantry)
position or line at less than 25" unless pre-arranged.
Artillery must never be engaged at less than 50 yards when
in front of the muzzle. No one is permitted to pass between
the gun line and limber line.
Keep, when mounted units are form on the field, all mounted
melees will be kept at safe distances with the only exception
being that of a pre-arranged saber melee. Riding through Mounted
Cavalry units, whether in formation or as skirmishers, will
not be tolerated for any reason and "riding though"
at any gate, is extremely dangerous to horse and rider and
is both an unsafe and unauthentic practice."
In the event a saber melee that has been pre-arranged, allow
no rider to approach into the melee at a gait faster than
a trot. Blades must be kept "point up" with the
point never falling below eye-level. Never touch another person
with your saber. Sabers should be kept during melees at a
45 degree angle and the tip kept above the hat.
If a rider goes down unintentionally, action in that area
will stop with immediate attention given to determine the
extent of injury to the rider as well as to secure his horse.
Never grab a rider or his horse during a melee or otherwise
try to dismount him.
Not allow a rider to be allowed to participate on the field
who is intoxicated.