Welcome To Us !

3rd Texas Cavalry
at Liendo 2000

have grown over the years. We now have three mounted companies
and one dismounted company. Headquarters company is located
primarily in the Houston area but has members in Hockley,
Hempstead, Magnolia, Tomball, Conroe and Livingston. Company
A is designated for our dis-mounted company and has troops
from all over Texas. Company B is located in Oklahoma and
Company C is located in California. We all share the same
philosophy about Living History and re-enactment.
primary focus is the accurate portrayal of the cavalry during
the Civil War. We participate in battle re-enactments, drills,
living history, classroom lectures, parades, encampments and
much much more.

goal is the preservation of the tradition and legacy of the
Horse Soldier, primary during the Civil War but with some
attention to other periods as well. Though the name implies
a "Texas Cavalry" emphasis is on the cavalry of
the period as our secondary impression is that of the 6th
US Cavalry, Company K.