Woman of the 3rd Texas Cavalry
Chief of Operations for this branch, Mrs. Delia McAlexander,
recently said, A The time and work required to research a
historically correct woman's role in the Civil War is extensive.
The reason is that women who took the field were not spoken
of in polite society, nevertheless, many women served in many
different capacities. I encourage you to be diligent in your
research of the character you want to portray and then to
portray it the most accurately way possible. We as women have
a double burden and to be quite frank are given very difficult
times by a few of our brother re-enactors who think we should
not be part of this hobby at all. Therefore we must be especial
careful to be accurate so as not to cast a bad light on women
reenactors as a whole. I will help you in anyway possible,
I encourage you to seek help from many different people before
purchasing your outfit or having it made so you are not to
go through the expense of constructing an incorrect uniform.

Mrs.Leslie Hair is dressed to play
part of a civilian nurse
"I am looking forward to the ranks of our women filling
up there fore increasing the size of our unit. The 3rd Texas
Cavalry's "Family and Friends" attitude makes this
a wonderful hobby to become involved with as a family, and
we encourage it."
any conclusions are brought forth by any misunderstanding,
the goals and purposes of our women's military branch is to
allow the ladies to portray the roles that their historical
counterparts did during the Civil War. We do not limit their
roll, we support an accurate portrayal of it as it was done
from 1861-1865. That includes everything from Vivandieres,
Cantiniers, US Sanitary workers, Nurses, Newspaper Corespondents,
Civilians, Camp followers, Cooks, Seamstress and a host of
other roles.