Officers Corps of the 3rd Texas Cavalry has set forth a set
of Goals and Standards in the form of Standing Orders. The
first of these which will be a series unto themselves are
directed as their target audience the Officers of the 3rd
Texas Cavalry.

fist of these are entitled:
Seven Points of Order
We must lead by example. We can not expect others to perform
and reenact at a level that we can not duplicate and/or exceed.
We must be able to get ourselves, without assistance, from
one event to another. This includes all of the equipment,
gear, horse tack, horse and tentage.
We must be able to attend the majority of the events unless
our attendance would cause harm to our family or our profession.
As our family and profession must come first, if we can not
attend the majority of the events and drills because of our
family and profession comes first, we should resign our commissions
and allow others to fill the ranks of the officers corps.