are cavalry first. By that, we mean that it matters little
as to what side of the conflict that we fight on. We are just
as happy as Union Cavalry as we are as Confederate Cavalry.
We chose the name of the 3rd Texas Cavalry to represent "Texas"
and from that prospective we could be called on to portray
just about any cavalry unit. We want the event sponsors to
know we are from Texas, the rest matters little. We are not
concerned with the political causes or results that came from
the conflict, now called the Civil War
Gear and Tack
will see that there is a lengthy list and almost looks overwhelming
at first glance. Don't let that bother you. Its not as bad
as it appears and most of it has been separated by function
even though it is acquired as one piece. We buy the complete
Union gear and then add the Confederate hat and coat. The
Confederate cavalry, by 1864, had captured the same and simply
added their own coat and hat. This allows you to save money
and participate in three different periods. The US Cavalry
still had in use Civil War period tack and gear late into
the 1870's. If you know that then you are set to do any cavalry
impression from 1861 through about 1878 without having to
buy anything else. Within the re-enacting community, this
time span covers the majority of the events that we can participate
in. Once the equipment is acquired, little else needed. If
you buy quality reproduction, then it should last you for
some time to come. Since all of your fellow cavalrymen have
already acquired their equipment, they can help you get what
is needed and not make the same mistakes they did. Remember,
there are many sutures and they will sell you anything on
their rack. You don't need most of it, some of it is made
cheap and remember quality need be purchased but once.
hobby is both a learning process for you and one for your
horse. It is also a team effort. In battle, the original cavalrymen
trained, drilled and fought together as team. Individuality
could get a trooper killed in battle. Each one of your fellow
cavalrymen not only had assigned tasks, you depended on them
to do their job and they depended on you to do yours. The
3rd Texas Cavalry depends on you and you on them in very much
the same way today. In drill each must know what the other
is doing, on the field each much be where he should in order
for the other to be where they should be. In a re-enactment,
all must maneuver together as we all depend on the other to
accomplish our goal. When it all comes together, there is
no greater feeling than the one obtain by working as a team
and accomplishing a goal. We do compete, but not with each
other. We don't care if one of our troopers can out ride out
shoot or out drill the other. We do wish to out ride, out
drill and out shoot the other cavalry commands in our hobby.
However if we don't, That's ok too as by competing we tried
our best and there is always another day. We are cavalrymen.
to the Cavalry..Trooper!